Sunday, November 19, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Hawt Wear!
Being the fashion expert of the century I have been testing out some of the variety of different sexy science wear options open to me in the lab recently. This has primarily been focused around eyewear. Eyewear is important as they are one of the key features in my opinion in setting the mood for a person (god damn I can talk so much shit i should be in fashion!) and such we can't wear just any sort of safty glasses we need this shit to be HOT!
So here are a few of The-Big-Reds flavors
To Cool for school:
Now for those summer months coming through we'll need to be thinking eye protection not only general lab protection but also UV protection from the hot summer sun, and of course this shit needs to be hip hop cool fo shizzle yo' so here we have the classy Dolce&Gabanna offer
Now this shit is hot, not only because The-Big Red is wearing it but namely cause they're actually womens sunnies, so not only will they stop acid splashing into my eyes and sunrays they have the whole "metrosexual" feel to them so i'm getting in touch with my feminine side, take note fellas chicks dig that shit.
Top Gun:
Of course this metro look might not be for you, in which case I can say, "good you're not into that metrosexual bs no matter how much chicks might dig it". In which case this 80's retro look Top Gun stylez is just the thing for you! The 80's were so bad in terms of fashion (and everything else) it made them totally awesome and if you know fashion everything that's bad is good and everything that sux is fabulous, so why not be in with the fab crowed by rebirthing the 80's with this sexy Tom Cruize look!Now you might think, "i'm working in a lab i don't want to wear sun protection it might distort my view of various important things*" (*where things is a good example i can't think of). Don't worry i've also tested cool designs without the sunglass feel!
Ok the sun glasses thing didn't cut the mustard, no worries. Perhaps you want something a little more out there? Something outside of the mould? Well here is the thing for you, these glasses not only look funky and rad but they are top of the line eye protection!I heard that they're popular amongst famous chemistry groups in the U.S and UK* (*this may or may not be based on total lies).
Now for the regular guy that doesn't want fancy smancy, he just wants rough, reliable, sturdy get the job done gear then you can't go further then Bluesteel. These goggles are it, there are no substitutes they look good, they feel good they got all the comforts such as extendable lobe pieces and padded nose rests and they're built to lastAll the lads wear these at uni simply because they're the best (that and the uni supplies them for free....) in eyewear for young sexy guy chemists (like me).
Now thats my selection if anyone out there thinks they can find other awesome pieces (male or female) please don't hesitate to post them here, in the end we all need to look fab.
Word up to your mothers.
P.S: I'm sorry i look like a total unshaven bum, but its movember week (see a few posts back) and i'm not allowed to shave till december (and i'm lazy)...
Scribbled by
The Big Red
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Labels: Hawwt